Download the iKnow App to access information on STI testing locations around Ireland. U=U / PrEP / PEP / STI / Your testing locations / Abortion info for everyone / Sexual Health information based app. The app is available in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Polish.
The app is available to download on both Android and iOS devices. For more information, visit
iKnow App
Substance use: Chems / Narcotics / Alcohol / Chemsex
Subtance use is a complex issue affecting many people in the lgbtqia community, particularly men. At The Switchboard we advocate responsible substance use and #HarmReduction.
Thursday nights is our dedicated helpline for any issues around Substance Use, from 18:30 - 21:00.
If you or someone you know are having issues related to GHB/GBL use, T/Tina/Crystal meth, Ketamine, Coke, Amphetamines, alcohol etc, our friendly volunteers are available to listen without judgement and help direct you to services that can help if you need them.
If you are experiencing difficulties in this area some useful resources are:
The MPOWER Team: mpower.hivireland.ie Phone: 01 8733799 Mon - Fri 10am - 5pm.
HSE National Drug Treatment Centre: NDTC.ie Phone: 01 6488600
Man2Man: man2man.ie check their section on drugs and alcohol for detailed information.